Where to Show

You can target your notifications based on Page URLs. You can choose to show it on the complete website or on a few pages. The URL pattern designer in Browsee is pretty flexible which allows you to design any suitable pattern based on your need.

Show on Homepage

You can choose to show the form/popup just on your homepage or URL path "/". For example, if I want to run the widget only on https://browsee.io/, I can just choose this option.

Show on a Single URL

You can choose this option if you want to show a popup on a single URL. You just need to give the path i.e. for https://browsee.io/page-story-heatmaps, I am just required to write "/page-story-heatmaps".

Show on URLs containing

If you wish to show the form/popup on a few URLs with a common word or pattern like "blog" or "products", you can choose this option. However, be sure that this common word or pattern is unique and does not exist in other URLs where you do not want to show the popup.

Do not show on URLs containing

If you wish to show the form/popup on the whole website except a few URLs with a common word or pattern like "blog" or "products", you can choose this option. However, be sure that this common word or pattern is unique and does not exist in other URLs.

Make your own URL Pattern

If your URL patterns are complex and can not be satisfied with the above-mentioned options, you can use Browsee URL builder to make a URL pattern of your own choice. You can add AND or OR rules based on your requirements. Let us take an example as shown below:

In this example, the notification will appear on the pages -

  1. Contains the term -products or productsbrowsee

  2. Does not contain the term -blog and home

Your widget will appear -

  1. On https://browsee.io/products

  2. On https://browsee.io/productsbrowsee

  3. Not on https://browsee.io/blog

  4. Not on https://browsee.io/blog-home

Last updated